Most union members are not aware of the terrific benefit offered by our local. As far as we are aware, no other AFGE local offers this benefit to its members. A member who retires, retires on a disability or passes away does not leave empty handed! They, or their survivor(s) are entitled to have the union dues they paid into the local, given back to them or their survivor(s) up to a maximum amount of $1000. The amount is based upon the length of time the member paid union dues, less any leave without pay. For example, an employee who was a member of our local for 4 years and retired on a disability would receive $1000. Employees who are members for a shorter period of time would receive a lesser amount.  To learn more about the Dues Back Program and the filing requirements, contact the Union Office.

The letter below was received by VP Shaun O'Connell from one of our retired Union members who wanted to thank us:

"Hi Shaun,

I wanted to let you know that I received the Union benefit check for $1,000. I didn't receive my SF 50-B from personnel until December, but once I sent it in to Leo Haar with the pay stubs, he processed it really quickly. It was especially nice to get the extra funds during the holidays.
Thanks for sending out that email about the Union benefit which was a good reminder for me. Keep encouraging people to apply for it, and let them know it's for real!
I hope everything is going well with you, and have a Happy New Year!
